Thursday, June 12, 2014

Plagiarism in Action: Part 3

Goal:  Students will synthesize & apply practice of plagiarism in action, via a role-play, case
          study completed in groups of four.

Learning Objective: (SYNTHESIZE and APPLY):

  1. Students (in groups) will be able to synthesize the 10 types of plagiarism and demonstrate two in a role play and how to avoid plagiarism.
  2. Students will be able to evaluate written work of others to identify acts of plagiarism.

Activities/Steps: (Addressing by Group Learning Outcomes 2 and 3):
  1. Students will watch “10 Types of Plagiarism” before class and chat in the Discussion Room about which two types they plan to demonstrate during their Role Play.  (3.58 minutes).
In this lesson students will learn “What is Plagiarism?” and the key ways to avoid Plagiarism after reviewing these 10 types. They will also understand how to paraphrase a text, how to document or cite a source, and how to research so the paper contains original content.
  1. Students will Review at home, an example of a Role Play by Murdoch University in Dubai as a demonstration of the 10 different kinds of Plagiarism.  (11.13 minutes).
  2. Students will develop and write an academic script to role play, using a situation in which a freshman student might experience, which will demonstrate and clearly identify at least 2 of the 10 types of plagiarism.
  3. Students will create & upload their group role play on to a Vimeo or YouTube and then present it in class (15 minutes video).
  4. Students will present their Vimeo or YouTube to the class.
  5. Students will teach the class how to upload their work to Turn-It-In, and will also explain how turn-it-in checks your work for plagiarism.
  1. OPTIONAL: Students and classmates may take a Plagiarism Quiz for for illustration purposes, using Disney and Pixar characters.  (2.59 minutes).

Assessment and Grading: (25 points)
Rubric will be used to assess student Participation, Effort and Work of each individual
group member.

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