Thursday, June 12, 2014

Plagiarism 101: Part 1

Introductory Activities (supporting  LO 1 and 2)
 Learners view the introductory humorous video on plagiarism which is located at  and read the following definition found at

“An act of plagiarism would seem to be easy to recognize based on simple criteria: Is the
work the author’s own creation and written in the author’s own words? If not, does the
writing provide appropriate credit to previous work? Increasingly though, the lines of
what constitute plagiarism are blurring as the Internet reshapes culture and education.”

Formative assessment –discuss video in class and discuss the 10 types of plagiarism* (projected on whiteboard from

B.      Collaborative groups read , discuss the examples in a Google Hangout found at Penn State University’s web page

Formative assessment - Write a blog reflection

C.      Students will submit example student essays into a plagiarism checker (  Or ) and identify as many of the 10 types of plagiarisms from the list as possible. These will be discussed in class.
Formative assessment – discussion and peer interaction

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