Thursday, June 12, 2014

Introductory Video: What is plagiarism and how do we to avoid it?

Learning Outcomes

Topic:  Plagiarism 

  Students can


1.        define plagiarism within an academic setting

2.        identify various types of plagiarism

3.        apply their knowledge of the types of plagiarism in academic situations

Plagiarism 101: Part 1

Introductory Activities (supporting  LO 1 and 2)
 Learners view the introductory humorous video on plagiarism which is located at  and read the following definition found at

“An act of plagiarism would seem to be easy to recognize based on simple criteria: Is the
work the author’s own creation and written in the author’s own words? If not, does the
writing provide appropriate credit to previous work? Increasingly though, the lines of
what constitute plagiarism are blurring as the Internet reshapes culture and education.”

Formative assessment –discuss video in class and discuss the 10 types of plagiarism* (projected on whiteboard from

B.      Collaborative groups read , discuss the examples in a Google Hangout found at Penn State University’s web page

Formative assessment - Write a blog reflection

C.      Students will submit example student essays into a plagiarism checker (  Or ) and identify as many of the 10 types of plagiarisms from the list as possible. These will be discussed in class.
Formative assessment – discussion and peer interaction

Plagiarism in the Real World: Part 2

(image credit)

Supports Plagiarism Module Learning Objectives 1 & 2

  1. You will be assigned the name of a real-life plagiarizer.  Use the internet to research the individual.  [suggestion: Google the individual’s  full name with the word “plagiarism.”]
  2. Identify a news article or other source that you think best describes your assigned plagiarism case.  Post the link to the Blackboard discussion board titled “Plagiarism Case Studies.”
  3. Below the article link, post a reflection that covers these points:
    1. What field did your accused plagiarizer work in?  What was their job title?
    2. Describe the instance(s) of accused plagiarism.  Were they confirmed?  How?
    3. Refer to the 10 types of plagiarism distributed to class.  What type(s) of plagiarism did you observe in your case study?
    4. What consequences did your plagiarizer face as a result of their actions?   Financial? Legal?  Personal?  Professional?
  4. Prepare to verbally summarize and share your case study with the class the following meeting, including all aspects of your reflection listed above.

Appendix A:  Plagiarism Cases

Carleen Basler
Nada Behziz
Jayson Blair
Michael Bolton
Don Haddad
George Harrison
Jonah Lehrer
Dr.  Eric Poehlman
Dr. Raj Persaud

Kaavya Viswanatha
Andrew Wakefield
Fareed Zakaria

Appendix B: Rubric for Case Study Assignment


A-level qualities

B-level qualities

C-level qualities
1 or 0

D- or F-level qualities
(60–69 or below 60)

Complete in all respects; reflects all requirements
Complete in most respects; reflects most requirements
Incomplete in many respects; reflects few requirements
Incomplete in most respects; does not reflect requirements

Demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the types of plagiarism
Demonstrates an accomplished understanding of the types of plagiarism
Demonstrates an acceptable understanding of the types of plagiarism
Demonstrates an inadequate understanding of the types of plagiarism

Reflection and analysis
Makes appropriate and powerful connections between the issues in the example and the concepts of plagiarism presented in course resources.
Makes appropriate connections between the issues in the example and the concepts of plagiarism presented in course resources.
Makes appropriate but somewhat vague connections between the issues in the example and the concepts of plagiarism presented in course resources.
Makes little or no connection between the issues in the example and the concepts of plagiarism presented in course resources.


Plagiarism in Action: Part 3

Goal:  Students will synthesize & apply practice of plagiarism in action, via a role-play, case
          study completed in groups of four.

Learning Objective: (SYNTHESIZE and APPLY):

  1. Students (in groups) will be able to synthesize the 10 types of plagiarism and demonstrate two in a role play and how to avoid plagiarism.
  2. Students will be able to evaluate written work of others to identify acts of plagiarism.

Activities/Steps: (Addressing by Group Learning Outcomes 2 and 3):
  1. Students will watch “10 Types of Plagiarism” before class and chat in the Discussion Room about which two types they plan to demonstrate during their Role Play.  (3.58 minutes).
In this lesson students will learn “What is Plagiarism?” and the key ways to avoid Plagiarism after reviewing these 10 types. They will also understand how to paraphrase a text, how to document or cite a source, and how to research so the paper contains original content.
  1. Students will Review at home, an example of a Role Play by Murdoch University in Dubai as a demonstration of the 10 different kinds of Plagiarism.  (11.13 minutes).
  2. Students will develop and write an academic script to role play, using a situation in which a freshman student might experience, which will demonstrate and clearly identify at least 2 of the 10 types of plagiarism.
  3. Students will create & upload their group role play on to a Vimeo or YouTube and then present it in class (15 minutes video).
  4. Students will present their Vimeo or YouTube to the class.
  5. Students will teach the class how to upload their work to Turn-It-In, and will also explain how turn-it-in checks your work for plagiarism.
  1. OPTIONAL: Students and classmates may take a Plagiarism Quiz for for illustration purposes, using Disney and Pixar characters.  (2.59 minutes).

Assessment and Grading: (25 points)
Rubric will be used to assess student Participation, Effort and Work of each individual
group member.

Assessment: Part 4 

(See Final Presentation Assessment)

A+: Conclusion